It has long been believed that having faith is key to getting through some of life’s greatest challenges. A spiritual practice can often give people the strength and confidence to push through obstacles and make positive changes. But can faith have a positive effect on depression and anxiety? According to new research, it can. Your […]
3 Ways Individual Counseling Can Help Your Marriage
Even happily married couples can hit obstacles along the way. When this happens, couples can either go it alone and try to work through their issues themselves, or they can seek the guidance of a trained and experienced marriage counselor. While some couples feel their problems should be kept private, many more are finding the […]
The Art of Change
I recently experienced a significant life change (moving) that has made me reflect on the impact of change and how important it is to know how to cope with change. Sometimes changes are things we anticipate or look forward to, like going away to college or getting married. Maybe it is getting a new and […]
The Impact of Grief on Relationships
Experiencing the death of a loved one is one of the most painful things each person must face. The shock of your beloved friend or family member having passed away, along with the finality of their death is difficult to deal with. Everyone Mourns Differently The process of mourning is a very personal experience. Because […]
The Emotional Impact of a Miscarriage
The loss of a baby is one of the most devastating losses a couple can experience. Unfortunately, there are many who do not understand the significant impact this type of loss can have on the ones experiencing it. This is a great article that helps walk through the emotional journey through grief experienced because of […]