When an individual reaches out for help, I believe they have already taken the first step toward recovery. As you begin your journey towards healing, I recognize the great courage it takes to come to therapy. It is my primary goal to create a safe, trusting, and collaborative relationship with my clients. I believe that although life’s challenges are difficult, they can teach us important lessons about ourselves that we would not have learned otherwise. Our past experiences do not have to define us, nor do they need to define our future. I strongly believe that each of us have the power to change and create the life that we want. The answers to your problems are already within you, you just need to know how to access them. As your therapist, my desire is to guide you on your journey of self-discovery, work with you to establish goals for change, teach you skills and coping strategies, help you form loving and healthy relationships, and help you create a life of meaning and purpose.