A decade ago, you would be hard-pressed to find many people who knew anything about meditation, let alone practiced it. But today, meditation has become wildly popular in the United States. Books, Youtube channels, and smartphone apps are dedicated to the study of it, and everyone from college students to senior citizens are reaping some […]
Snack on Spirituality: How Meditation Can Help Kick Your Cravings
It’s 10pm. Do you know where your junk food is? Unfortunately, it’s a bad habit many of us can relate to: that unwanted craving for junk food. Whether it’s a craving for ice cream right after dinner, or a hankering for potato chips while you watch the nightly news, food cravings are a bad habit […]
Is Meditation for Me?
As beautiful and joyous as life can be, it can also be plain ol’ stressful. Whether it’s hefty mortgage payments, killer commutes, or bosses who don’t give us the credit we deserve, stress can come at us from all different angles. Surveys have uncovered some pretty disturbing statistics about stress. 33% of people feel they […]
The Art of Change
I recently experienced a significant life change (moving) that has made me reflect on the impact of change and how important it is to know how to cope with change. Sometimes changes are things we anticipate or look forward to, like going away to college or getting married. Maybe it is getting a new and […]